Of earth and air man is made. The activity of the vegetable kingdom called him into life; and in death he returns to air and ashes, that plant-life may in new forms develop new powers. By Jacob Moleschott (1822 – 1893)
Cultivate a healthy body, quiet mind, open heart and vibrant spirit.

W.H. SCHUESSLER (1821-1898)
- The founder of the Biochemic healing methods.
- Completed his homoeopathy in 1857.
- Inspired by the works of Jacob Moleschott that Phosphorus was important for the nerve cells.
- Schuessler was convinced that missing inorganic minerals cause disruption to the processes of life and therefore disease. Consequently, the cell metabolism becomes impaired. If the deficient mineral salts are supplemented, the disrupted cell metabolism returns to normal.

RUDOLF VIRCHOW (1821- 1893)
- Virchow was one of the 19th century’s foremost leaders in medicine and pathology. He was also a public health activist, social reformer, politician, and anthropologist.
- He and a colleague, Benino Reinhardt, founded the Archiv für Pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie (now known as “Virchow’s Archives”), which still survives as a leading journal of pathology.
- He encouraged his students to use microscopes and “think microscopically.”
- Virchow’s greatest accomplishment was his observation that a whole organism does not get sick—only certain cells or groups of cells.
- Virchow’s approach “every cell stems from another cell” launched the field of cellular pathology.
- Virchow’s many discoveries include finding cells in bone and connective tissue and describing substances such as myelin. He was the first person to recognize leukemia.

JACOB MOLESCHOTT (1822 – 1893)
• Dutch-Italian physiologist and philosopher noted for his belief in the material basis of emotion and thought.
• His most important work, Kreislauf des Lebens (1852; “The Circuit of Life”) added considerable impetus to 19th-Century materialism by demanding “scientific answers to scientific questions.”
• Moleschott’s research, especially those on blood and metabolism, were instrumental in the development of the field of physiological chemistry.
• Of earth and air man is made. The activity of the vegetable kingdom called him into life; and in death he returns to air and ashes, that plant-life may in new forms develop new powers.
• These words inspired Dr. Schuessler to make a study of the physiologic-chemical effects of the inorganic substance of the human organism.
Dr. SCHUESSLER (1821 – 1898)
Rudolf VIRCHOW (1821 – 1902)
Sebastian KNEIPP (1821 – 1897)
All the three describes in their main work “Cellular Pathology”(1858) that, in the end every disease is only caused by a disruption in the cells.

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Cell or Tissue Salts
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When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.
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